Support our fundraising efforts by shopping via the Giving Machine website

Dear Friends and Supporters,

The Giving Machine logoWe would like to invite you to support our fundraising efforts by becoming a giver on the giving machine website. So many of us shop online these days and by doing your shopping through the giving machine website, you can make donations without actually spending any additional funds.

When you go through the website, the retailers provide a small fee to ‘The Giving Machine’ which then forwards the fee on to The Lottie Betts-Priddy Education Trust. You simply need to register as a giver and nominate “The Lottie Betts-Priddy Education Trust” as your charity. You do not need to enter payment details onto the giving machine website and for convenience you can download a ‘shop and give’ reminder that alerts you whenever you enter a retail site that is part of the giving machine family.

All your favourite retailers have signed up as well as many major charities. Please consider fundraising in this way!


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